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Schedule 2018

Brain Drain? Brain Gain!

About this Seminar

Are you optimizing your brainpower? The choices you make every day create the path of your brain's healthful longevity - or not. You can use brain science and epigenetic information to make smarter, more effective lifestyle and food choices. This course will examine the impact of thoughts, intentions, food selections, physical activity, and environment on your brain health and ultimately on your entire self. We will get into your brain and biome and be glad for it. 


Mary Ellen Psaltis

B.Ph. and Certified Nutrition & Wellness Consultant and Senior Nutrition Specialist

About Mary Ellen Psaltis

B.Ph. and Certified Nutrition & Wellness Consultant and Senior Nutrition Specialist

Mary Ellen Psaltis, B.Ph. and Certified Nutrition & Wellness Consultant and Senior Nutrition Specialist. Mary Ellen teaches and encourages people to integrate healthy life choices into daily living. She is finding culinary medicine, which combines cooking, nutrition, and activities to be a stimulating aspect of coaching. Mary Ellen has been a published writer on lifestyle and food for over 25 years. Her continuing education includes caring for her 98-year-old mother. Mary Ellen has also been a dental assistant on projects in Mexico for many years.  

She believes what you eat, think, and do are foundations to living with quality. Mary Ellen is a thoughtful omnivore with concerns about the quality of her brain, body, and the planet.  

  • Location Bannerman 1
  • Date 2025 August 30
  • Start time 1:00 pm
  • End time 4:00 pm
  • Category Category II - Non Scientific
  • Credit hours 3
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