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Schedule 2018

Getting Past "Uh-Oh", "No", and "Helicopters"

About this Seminar

Behavior Management in the Pediatric Setting. Pediatric dentistry is unique in that each appointment requires that the dentist must successfully communicate with both children and parents plus manage their behaviors as well as one’s own behavior. In this program, principles of behavior management are discussed and demonstrated in video footage showing actual patients in treatment and how to best handle them. While dentistry often focuses on the technical aspects of our work, in this specialty, it is only through effective handling of patients that our technical work can be at its best. And the parents? They are the entertainment and promotional program, not the “problem” that most people believe. 


Dr. Greg Psaltis

About Dr. Greg Psaltis

Dr. Greg Psaltis has been a pediatric dentist for 50 years. While most of his experience has been in private practice in Olympia, Washington, he served three years in the US Navy and in the past 15 years created and ran two volunteer clinics in Mexico. His varied career has included authoring several articles for professional journals, speaking at every major dental meeting in the United States as well as several international meetings that have taken him to Germany, Mexico, Australia, Russia, Canada and Kuwait. He is the author of the recently published book, Into and Out of the Mouths of Babes, a memoir of his life and career. His engaging style and sense of humor make learning both fun and interesting. Among his honors is the Gordon Christensen Speaker Recognition Award for excellence in dental education. 

  • Location Bannerman 1
  • Date 2025 August 30
  • Start time 8:00 am
  • End time 11:00 am
  • Category Category I - Scientific/Clinical
  • Credit hours 3
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