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New Development in Canadian Oral Health; Who Needs to Know, and Why
About this Seminar
Oral health care in Canada and internationally is going through significant change now and potentially more in the future. Linked with the initiation of the CDCP in Canada, Statistics Canada has launched a range of surveys of people in the community, of oral health professionals, plus the Canadian Health Measures Survey which includes clinical, physical and biological indicators of oral and general health collected in a sample of Canadians. After years of poor data on oral health in Canada, over the coming months and years, we will have lots, helping us understand the needs of the population and how we can best address them. And on the international stage, the WHO has recently published its Global Strategy and Action Plan for Oral Health 2023-2030, which has implications for oral health-related policies and programs worldwide, including in Canada. This presentation will discuss all these changes and surveys and engage with participants over how best to use the information with colleagues, patients, professional associations and organizations, the media and with political and other decision-makers to achieve our goals.
About Dr. Paul Allison
Dr. Allison is a dentist with specialist training in oral and maxillo-facial surgery and dental public health. He was Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry at McGill during 2008-18, President of the Association of Canadian Faculties of Dentistry during 2015-19, President of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences during 2019-20 and on Governing Council of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research during 2018-21 and 2022-25. He chaired a Canadian Academy of Health Sciences report on "Improving Access to oral health care for vulnerable people living in Canada" (https://cahs-acss.ca/improving-access-to-oral-health-care-for-vulnerable-people-living-in-canada/). He is currently a member of the Lancet Commission on Global Oral Health, a leader of a national research team for the oral health element of the Canadian Health Measures Survey cycle 7, and he co-chaired the development of the recently published National Oral Health Research Strategy.