Sponsorship Opportunities
Speaker Sponsorship - Dr. Bobbie Birdie: Surgical-Prosthetic Synergy in Implant Dentistry - Managing Surgical & Prosthetic Complications
About This Sponsorship
Sponsorship for: Bobby Birdie - Surgical-Prosthetic Synergy in Implant Dentistry - Managing Surgical & Prosthetic Complications
Sponsors will secure the following:
- Sponsors signage prominently displayed in the course classroom.
- Brief introductions at the beginning of the course.
- Logo or Ad in the Convention programme.
NLDA Wellness Booth
This year our wellness booth will have swag to pass out to visitors to the booth. We would like to share this with you; therefore, we are providing you with the opportunity to co-brand one or all of the below products. We are currently in the process of negotiating the prices of each items. If you are interested in these wellness booth items, please contact Anthony Patey.
- Pens (limit of 5 Sponsors)
- First Aid Kits
- Lip Balm (limit of 5 Sponsors)
- Coffee Mugs
- Stress Ball (limit of 5 Sponsors)
- Baseball Hats
- Sunglasses (limit of 5 Sponsors)
- T-Shirts
- Coffee Travel Mug
- Water Travel Mug
- Thumb Drive (limit of 5 Sponsors)
- Picnic Blanket
- Sunscreen
- Emergency COB
- Flashlight Multi-Tool
- Yoga Mat
- Shaker Cups
- Floating Keychain (limit of 5 Sponsors)
- Metal Keychain (limit of 5 Sponsors)
- Travel Toothbrushes